Monday, September 7, 2015

A New Day is Dawning

A new day is dawning here in Manila. The storm of yesterday has past and the sky has traces of the blue before the smog.  We had a wonderful storm roll through last night.  We walked with our friends, the Haslems, to dinner. After checking out a few new place to eat we ended up at one of Haslems favorites, FRIDAYS. I know, not very Filipino, but neither are the Haslems and Norriss is probably worse at branching out than they are.  Something familiar can be very comforting.

When we left the apartment building there was not sign of rain.  Before we finished our exploring large drops of rain were evident on the brick pavement.  We settled ourselves at our table and had just ordered our food when the winds picked up.  We watched the trees and bushes as they danced in the pre-storm.  Flashes of lightening lite up the sky and then the heavens opened up as sheets of rain poured down on our section of Manila. It poured through dinner.  We ordered dessert. Lingering, or staling  a little longer.  Our server was telling us not to worry that she could almost guarantee the storm would pass and mist would arrive so we could safely walk home with out our umbrellas, which of course we had left home.  It was almost as if the timer went off.  Moments before our departure the calm arrived and we stepped out into 98% humidity.  Funny how my body was preparing for a blast of cool air.  I am still amazed when I open a window or door after a storm expecting to feel refreshed from the rain.  I love being able to take a big deep cleansing breath, knowing the air has been washed clean.  But the cool? Well, it remains in the heavens making electricity.

We walked home with lightening strikes over head and the thrilling sound of sharp crackling thunder exploding in our ears.  But, no rain was falling.  We watch the magic show in the skies from our apartment windows for an hour after arriving home.  Lightening traveled across the entire sky West to East filling the heavens with illumination and sound. Strike after strike each a different power unharnessed.  It is such a joy to be able to see God's creative hand continuing daily, no matter where we are.  The sights and sounds of man competing with those of heaven as if there really were some kind of competition.  I am comforted by the fact that it is He who rules these Heavens for whom I serve.

We met our little street friend again today.  The one with whom we shared the apple pie last week.  He was working his section of the road ahead of us.  We watched as he made his way to our car.   I rolled down the window and the look on his face change to one of genuine pleasure,when he recognized us.  I handed him an Orange and asked "Ano po angpangalan ninyo"?  I had practice my Tagalog for just such an opportunity. Thinking, I will be able to converse with these little people. ( right) He look at me the same way he had before, like he had no idea what I had said.  So I said Name? His reply was "James".  I said, hello James. I then asked, Pwede ba kitung tulungen?   (which is suppose to mean; may I help you?)  He look deep in my eyes, got a very earnest look on his face and said, "rice"?  I told him I did not have any rice.  I'm not sure he believed me.  It may be his form of psychology #1 but he had me telling him I'm sorry, I will have some the next time we meet.  I thought of our sweet James.  What it would be like to see him on the street trying to find food for Julia.  I wondered if this was his job in the family.  Does his mother send him?  It's hard to know the circumstances of any one we meet, but I will be caring bags of rice for just such encounters from now on.

I've learned how to enter projects into the Churches computer program.  Part of our job.  The problem has been there was no one in the office here that could tell me how to do it.  CHaS is a program for Welfare.  One has to have a security pass to enter the system.  We have the pass, but no knowledge.  This has been one frustrating assignment.  Our hours are reversed from the hot line in SLC so there has been little support from them.  Elder Webb and I have made this a matter of prayer.  We are not computer wizards in the first place so our confidence in anything technical is like ZERO.  Well, yesterday a brilliant young woman, who use to work in the area office showed up to visit with Sister Smith, who has come in from SLC to follow up on some Wheel Chair distributions.  Beth, come to find out, was the person who figure out the CHaS program when it was first implemented here in the Philippines.  She taught Sister Smith when she and here husband were the welfare couple here about 8 years ago.  And they were both sitting in our office!  Sister Smith tried to help but was stumped right off.  So this darling woman, who doesn't work for the church any more, spent several hours helping me enter information and pictures.  I had worked a few things out myself, but Beth was an answer to prayers. TRULY.  She left me her number and told me to call her anytime I had a question.  "Ask and ye shall receive".

We will be meeting with two big NGO's this next week.  Looking for partners in helping the poor.  We may have some new adventures.  We will be traveling again as well.  

We miss you and love to hear the blessing you are having in your lives.  

God Bless You,


Elder and Sister Webb

mom, grandma, Carol

These dresses are made from coconut products. They are very beautiful.

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